Friday, November 29, 2013

...and so it begins...

Today was the first of my monthly Zoladex injections.  I went in for my usual weekly dose of Herceptin (administered over 90 minutes) and when it was complete, the nurse informed me that we would move to a private room for the injection as it is more comfortable for me to be lying flat.  We went in, dose and med was confirmed by another nurse (as are all of the meds that are given at The Cancer Center).  I lie down on the bed and expose my belly.  The nurse sprayed me with a numbing spray (cold and wet) and did a few 'test' touches to see if I was numb.  Of course, it merely took the edge off and didn't fully numb be, but c'est la vie, right?  She warns me of the pinch...injects the med...that's it, right?

Well, now I'm extremely curious as to the size of the needle.  I was way too nervous to look beforehand (given the previous nurse's comments last week about the size of the needle), and I ask to see it.  She chuckles and says, "Oh, trust don't want to see it..."  I chuckle, nervously, and say, "It's really just a morbid curiosity..."  She shows me the needle.  Damn it...she was right!  I didn't want to see it!  I can't UNSEE it.  *lol*  I found a few pics online of my dosage/needle size and comparison for you to check out...

my dosage = 3.6mg monthly

in comparison, it's a big mama-jamma :-\

Why, oh why is the needle so damn large?!  WELL...Zoladex is actually a tiny implant inserted through the needle (injected under the skin on your stomach).  The implant is time-released medicine and will dissolve in my body over time.  Now, of course, the fun begins.  Nurse said that I may notice menopausal symptoms in several days to a week.  ...and so it begins...

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