Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Crucial Catch - Steelers Game

Crucial Catch - Steelers Game

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I submitted my information to the American Cancer Society several months ago in hopes of being chosen as one of the breast cancer survivors to attend (& be honored) at the Steelers vs. Ravens Game on Sunday, October 20, 2013.  I was chosen (found out on my last day of chemo 9/23/13) and was honored and excited to participate!  I met some great ladies, had a lot of laughs, cried a few tears together as survivors, and enjoyed my day.  

Steelers Coach, Mike Tomlin, walked through and shook everyone's hand on the field.  A few of the players gave us high fives and handshakes also.  I actually touched Brett Keisel's hand! :-D  A great, albeit exhausting and freezing, day! 

saw the "Just Ducky Tours" before leaving Station Square -- funny family joke

woo hoo! it's a giant rubber ducky!

our group heading in to Heinz Field

lined up on the sidelines

our guests were sitting in the end zone, underneath the jumbo tron

look at the players warming up!

they lined our group (the Breast Cancer Survivors) up along the sideline; I was to the right of the 50 yard line

end zone

our guests were sitting in the end zone, underneath the jumbo tron

group mates -- we were so excited

group mates -- we were so excited

Bill Deasy preparing to sing the national anthem

all female colorguard

players taking the field

we moved down the field and did a towel wave with Hordle and McCutchen from the Pirates

awesome seats

2ie enjoying the youth football game at half time

this is the shirt the ACS and the Steelers gave us to wear on the field

our seating pass

terrible towel received at the gate from Ford and UPMC Cancer Center

terrible towel received from ACS

Beat Breast Cancer! t-shirt from the ACS

back of shirt

our photo from the Gateway Clipper Fleet shuttle 
(we parked at Station Square and rode the boat over)


Some great videos and photos of the survivors on the field 


You can see me on the jumbo tron here 

You can see me in these videos too! :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I'm a BzzAgent


Most people are on the lookout for a better cup of coffee. And while everyone has their own tastes when it comes to flavors and aromas, one thing we can all agree on are the good vibes from buying Fair Trade Certified™ Green Mountain Coffee®. 

By purchasing Fair Trade Certified™ Green Mountain Coffee®, you help farmers receive a fair price for their beans, resulting in great coffee for you and a better quality of life for farmers.  Learn more by visiting ChooseFairTrade.com.  

The great folks at BzzAgent have sent me goodies to share with friends!  I have digital coupons too!  I ALSO have coupons for 50% off select Keurig brewers!  Message me for yours! :)  

Here is the coffee pack that I received for FREE as a BzzAgent (#GotItFree) and it is DELICIOUS!

did ya miss me?

I have not been online a lot lately.  I have been dealing with fluctuating numbers (blood counts), low energy levels, and plumbing issues.  Yep, you read that right...plumbing issues.  HOUSE plumbing issues, not 'personal plumbing' issues.  HAHA -- just thought I'd clear that up early.

My white blood cell count, platelet count and hemoglobin levels are all low.  Essentially, I'm more apt to be tired (which I am), at a greater risk of infection/illness (my immune system is lower than it should be at this point) and I'm also at a greater risk of bleeding as my platelets are low and clotting may be an issue.  It's been a 'watch & wait' type of deal for the past few weeks.  I go 2 - 3 times per week to have my levels checked.  One day they go up 2 points, the next time they fall 5 or more points.  It's frustrating.  The doc said that since I'm not experiencing any dizziness or heart palpitations that he wants to continue to watch & wait.  If my numbers don't come up on their own, I'll need to receive a blood transfusion (at least 1 pint) to help 'jump start' my marrow to produce white blood cells and platelets, etc.  

On top of that, last week it stormed a bit.  I came home from my blood work to find sewage backed up in the toilet and sick (yep, it was quite gross) in my half bath.  I tried to clean it up the best I could, but the toilet was so clogged that I couldn't flush it -- it actually started to overflow from the bowl and leak from the bottom (as if the wax ring was a problem).  Finally got it all to clear up, then Saturday morning, KK went in to check to see if it was still leaking (we had the water shut off to the toilet and sink, towels on the floor to catch any water) and she freaked!  Any waste that was flushed from the full bath upstairs ended up overflowing in the half bath.  It wasn't doing that prior to this!  The weird part was that from time to time, when it stormed really bad, our half bath would overflow with what I thought was paper & leaves, but was actually sewage.  It was always gross, but we'd clean it up & move on.  This time, it just got worse & worse.  We discovered the pipes from the half bath were also leaking through part of the basement and the ceiling area was soaked (the insulation and heat tape around the pipes).  Of course, on the weekend you can't find a local plumber that will answer their phone.  On top of it, I called Mister Rooter and Roto-Rooter, only to have them call back several hours later and tell me that they couldn't make it on Saturday, that they'd push it to Sunday.  Great...one more day without a toilet at all (can't flush either without overflow & waste everywhere).  In the meantime, I found a local plumber that could come out on Sunday that wouldn't charge any additional weekend or emergency fees...plus, he came highly recommended from several of KK's relatives.  We decided that if we had to wait anyway, we'd wait for him.  He arrived late morning on Sunday to attempt to snake the pipes.  He tried several different tips and wasn't able to power past the clog.  Plus, due to the clog and dirty/murky water in the sewer pipe, he couldn't view anything on the camera.  He likened it to trying to open your eyes underwater in a mud puddle.  He came back Monday morning with a high-power hydro washer to feed in to the sewage pipe and see what he could flush out.  He got a clog cleared, but when looking with the camera, found that our pipe was bowing in one spot (he speculated that it was either repaired or installed at an incorrect angle years ago when the house was built).  He suggested that we not waste thousands of dollars on digging up the pipes to fix a mistake that has been there for years and was not our fault, but that we should simply flush twice (for 'heavier loads') and flush the sewage pipe with a garden hose every 3 - 6 months.  *sigh*  Sometimes, I wish I was a renter versus a homeowner.  At least the cost and fix would be someone else's problem.  Although, my past history as a renter, I always had the really lousy landlords...so I'm sure it wouldn't have been as blissful as I imagine *lol*